Thursday, January 5, 2012

George Washington 1789 - 1797

Slavery and its Legacies in North America: George Washington help set the example early for freeing slaves and allowing them to reach a greater potential. He implemented an idea of training young slaves with useful skills that would help them thrive as opposed to serve another human being. George Washington had hopes and aspirations of abolishing slavery, but never was truly able to put forth an actual plan. In 1794 Washington made a powerful statement by releasing all the slaves he had under his name at the moment of his retirement. President Washington help set precedent to a different view of slaves.

Politics and Citizenship: The Residence Act of 1790 was an act which took the step in giving the president the power to decide where the permanent location of the seat of government would be. The act enabled the president the choice and authority to determine where things were going to take place and where a fine establishment would be. This particular act helped lead to the establishment of the District of Columbia or D.C Today D.C is a very prominent location and serves as our nation's capital.

War and Diplomacy: During his presidency a struggle/war broke out between Great Britain and France in the year 1793. President Washington was quick to try and establish neutrality and was successful in the end. With America in a neutral state they in a sense fell in the middle of these two nations. France had sent a representative to the U.S in order to describe and establish their reasons for engaging with Great Britain. Although the U.S wasn't that physically involved and remained on the sidelines, the war between the other 2 nations and the U.S's side involvement still served as crucial events.

American Identity and Culture: George Washington was one to open religion and the freedom of which you want to practice to the public. He envisioned a society where each individual would be able to feel safe and comfortable in practicing the religion that suits them best. In addition his generosity served as a factor in how society perceived him and accepted him as a president. Washington was well known for being extremely charitable and supporting a range of establishments financially.

Economic Transformations and Globalization: The American Revolution was extremely costly, and although most of the costs were unavoidable it was something that needed to be met. Funding for the cots of war was not an easy feat for Washington and required him to find different ways to maintain the army and their well being.

Environment: Prior to his presidency George Washington fought as a general in the American Revolution. As a general in the war he spanned across a number of states and land moving from location to the next constantly in the heat of battle. George Washington was well revered in the American revolution and aided our nation immensely.

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